
Amanda Morrison

HR/Payroll/MD Support

Within my role at Kiwi Can Do, I pride myself in helping provide a safe and satisfying workplace for our staff, that ultimately supports them getting Kiwis into work.

My goal of getting as many Kiwis as possible into meaningful employment that will change their lives, and the lives of their whanau = satisfaction for me.

Through genealogy and DNA detective work, I am proud to have united two half-sisters – one in NZ and one in Scotland – each of whom only had a vague idea that the other existed. I have also helped several adoptees find their birth families.

Outside of work I enjoy reading, travel, researching family history, and walks with our dog. I also love spending time with family, including my beautiful grandson.

I am quite pedantic about spelling and grammar and find the evolution of language fascinating. If I had my time again, I would study linguistics.

I am nearly 10 in dog years, but I still chase (or herd) cats!

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