Tess Dixon

Employment Consultant

I love contracting for Kiwi Can Do as the company aligns with my values. I am passionate about helping others become the best version of themselves, so to be part of a team that assists people off the benefit and into a career makes me feel like we are making a difference in people’s lives. Second chances also play a huge part for our clients. When you see someone wanting to make better choices in their life, seeing their confidence grow and future prospects become a reality, it is truly inspiring.

My background is in the film industry, where I have worked on a film and a variety of TV commercials. In more recent years, I have worked in real estate and was awarded for being in the top two sales teams in the Northland area. I recently got engaged while on holiday in Vanuatu.

In my spare time, I like to keep fit, going on long walks with my dog Loke. I enjoy spending quality time with my fiancé and family, road trips/travel and my current focus is getting our home ready for the summer with landscaping etc.

A fun fact about me is that my eyes change colour depending on my mood and surroundings!

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