Sue Higgins

National Course Administrator

My role with Kiwi Can Do consists of assisting our trainees with their transition to employment through the provision of timely, appropriate and accurate organisational logistics, alongside administrative support for any pre-employment activity.

I always strive to improve and streamline our administration processes to ensure Kiwi Can Do can continue to operate in a timely, efficient and consistent manner.

Throughout my time with Kiwi Can Do, I worked hard to ensure we could continue operating throughout COVID-19 lockdowns and helped pivot to a new delivery model for training course options. Alongside these challenges, I gained a Graduate Diploma in Not for Profit Management whilst working full time.

I have managed the operations for two charitable organisations to deliver on their core objectives whilst also developing significant reserve funds to give them future financial security.

In my spare time, you can find me spending time with my family and friends, in the garden doing my bit to preserve the natural bush flora or cooking up a storm as I explore new vegetarian/vegan cuisines. I also enjoy the odd renovation project, upcycling with repurposed textiles and am passionate about animal welfare.

I used to drink a gallon of coffee a day! I would rarely be seen without a coffee cup in my hand, then for some reason, overnight I developed an aversion to the smell of coffee and haven’t had any since. I’ve now been caffeine free for several years!

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Get hands-on training from experienced and qualified course providers to prepare you for full time employment!